Monday, February 21, 2011

Conspiracy against Sinn Féin ?

I won’t for one minute claim to be a Sinn Féin supporter; in fact there are several things I disagree with in regards to them. However they are the only major party to be standing up for the people of Ireland and for that reason they will get my support at the coming general election.

Recently I have begun to notice how in my opinion there seems to be a massive attack against the party from all areas, including the media, the press, opposition parties and I now believe the opinion polls.

In all reality we know that Sinn Féin will not win the general election, but a good strong Sinn Féin in opposition could do a lot of damage to the next government and be a stronger voice for the Irish people. Is this something the establishment are afraid off; is there a conspiracy against Sinn Féin to stop them becoming that threat?

Let’s start here on, there are several pathetic posts attacking Sinn Féin, including threads in relation to Sinn Féin and Gaddaffi etc. Why these posts are even started? What are these posters afraid off, do they think Sinn Féin will win the election and turn Ireland into an outpost of the Middle East?

Opposition parties especially Fianna Fail spent most of the debating tome they had the other week attacking Sinn Féin, WHY? They all consider Sinn Féin to be a small party with no influence especially if you look at the latest opinion polls.

Opinion Polls, showing Sinn Féin are losing support not gaining, yet if you look at the polls Sinn Féin are doing fairly well, the people I speak to say they are voting Sinn Féin for similar reasons to me and lack of choice and vision from the 3 other main parties.

Media, TV stations like TV3, TG4 and even RTE give no time for Sinn Féin, in the recent leaders debates the 3 TV stations considered the leader of Fianna Fail to actually have a chance of leading the country! Everyone knows Fianna Fail have no chance at all and yet the media including the press continue to give the 3 main parties all the coverage leaving aside parties such as Sinn Féin.

I actually believe Sinn Féin will do far better than expected in the upcoming election, but I feel this will be in spite of a massive conspiracy to try to reduce support for the party.

In summary, if Labour, Fine Gael or Fianna Fail wanted to put the people first then they would have. The only major party to do this are Sinn Féin and yet they are the ones receiving all the negative press.

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